Worship is the center of our life at Calvary. In worship we are lifted into God’s presence and hear Jesus’ invitation to become His disciples. All are welcome at Christ’s table; as we offer our lives to God in prayer we find ourselves fed and nourished. It is through our worship that the Holy Spirit strengthens and empowers us to actively share the love of Jesus Christ and to be his hands and feet in the world, sharing God’s radical love with everyone around us. Come and be fed so that you may go out into the world and feed others.

The Holy Eucharist (Communion) is the central form of worship in The Episcopal Church, so much so that it is located at the very center of the Book of Common Prayer. Evening Prayer and Compline are also a part of our community worship. Each service has its own distinctive style and we hope you will take the time to explore all of them and find one that best suits where you are on your spiritual journey.

Our liturgies are enhanced and supported by children, youth, and adult volunteers who participate as acolytes, vergers, sacristans, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, greeters, ushers, and as members of the Altar Guild, Flower Chapter, and Choirs.