Come Join Us & Consider Joining Calvary Church Summit

We at Calvary Church welcome all people, no matter where they are in their spiritual and personal journeys. We provide experiences for those secure in their faith, those who doubt, and those who search to know the Christ better from differing perspectives. We commit ourselves in love and joy to the belief that at our Lord’s Table there is a place for every individual to be received and in turn to receive others. We believe strongly that God and faith matter as we understand ourselves as agents and ambassadors of Jesus’ ministry of hospitality and hope.

Bebe Lee & Susan Favate

Consider Joining Calvary Episcopal Church

You do not have to join the parish in a formal way in order to worship, attend classes, and participate in the activities and ministries of the parish, and all persons are welcome to receive Communion. However, we invite you to consider becoming a member of Calvary Church. There are several ways to become a member of Calvary, and the information that fits your situation may be found below.

If you are a member of another Episcopal congregation, or were ever confirmed in an Episcopal Church, you can transfer your membership.  Provide our parish office with the name and location of the church and the approximate dates of your membership. We will send for a letter of transfer, or will be happy to assist you in contacting your previous parish.

If you are a Confirmed Anglican from, for example, the Church of England or the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Episcopal Church in Japan), provide the parish office with your birth date and place; baptismal date and place; and Confirmation date, place and bishop.

If you were Baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in any Christian denomination, you may become a “Baptized member” of Calvary Church. Just provide the parish office with your birth date and place and your baptismal date and place.
Call the parish office or speak with the rector to arrange a Baptism. Baptisms are done at regularly scheduled services on the feast days specified by The Book of Common Prayer (Baptism of Our Lord, Easter Eve, Pentecost, and All Saints), and occasionally on other Sundays under special circumstances. Anyone Baptized at Calvary Church is a “Baptized member.”
The Book of Common Prayer defines Confirmation as “the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Sprit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” Youth Confirmation classes and adult inquirers’ classes are offered each year. Any baptized adult, and any baptized youth in eighth grade or higher, is eligible. Persons who have been confirmed in another denomination by a bishop in the apostolic succession (most often Roman Catholic or Orthodox) are received by the bishop rather than confirmed. Those who have been confirmed or received are classified as “confirmed communicants.” Speak with one of the clergy if you are interested in confirmation or reception.
A member in good standing is one whose Baptism is entered in the parish register (through one of the means described above), who worships regularly, and who is a contributor of record (by pledge or other identifiable contribution) to the general support of the parish. Baptized members in good standing are eligible to vote in parish elections and to serve on the Vestry. Only Confirmed communicants in good standing can serve as Vestry members and wardens, or be licensed by the Bishop as lay readers, chalice bearers, and Eucharistic ministers.

For more details or conversations about membership Please contact Matt Potter at
or call 908.277.1814.

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