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Youth Ministry Program

At Calvary Episcopal Church, youth ministry is integral to our life of faith and sense of community. Knowing that all people are beloved in the eyes of God, we seek to cultivate a culture of inclusiveness where each individual’s unique gifts, talents, and perspectives are valued and celebrated. We aim to give every youth opportunities and support to explore and develop their own relationship with God, recognizing this is a lifelong process. Youth are encouraged to join in the fellowship and mission of the people of God through involvement in parish life and ministry, and within their own peer groups.


In practice, these principles and ideals are expressed through

1. Worship: strengthening personal spiritual development and engaging in corporate praise, confession, and thanksgiving.

2. Study: increasing the knowledge, understanding, and experience of the Christian faith, life, and mission through lessons that are developmentally appropriate and foster dialogue with other faith traditions.

3. Community: affirming God’s image in one another by fostering relationships which nurture the spiritual, mental, and physical health of all people.

4. Mission: partnering in the Holy Spirit’s work of equity, justice, and reconciliation in the world through service, stewardship, witness, and evangelism in ways that honor the diversity of God’s creation.

5. Play: joyous celebration of God’s gift of life

Youth Programming Registration

Youth Group

​Middle and High School students are invited to various events throughout the year for fellowship, fun, and outreach. Past events include escape rooms, distributing meals to those experiencing homelessness, and an arcade game truck with other Diocese of Newark teens.


Check out our monthly newsletter and weekly emails to stay up to date on youth group events.

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Confirmation Program

In the Episcopal Church, Confirmation marks a personal decision to live out one’s baptismal vows as an adult. Ninth graders and older are invited to explore their Anglican faith in a deep and personal way. We will use the book Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church as a guide. Candidates for confirmation will explore their faith by discussing class content with their peers, participating in a lay worship ministry, building a relationship with an adult sponsor from the parish, and engaging in outreach service. The confirmation class meets twice a month throughout the program year.

Mission Trips

Summit CommUNITY Vacation Bible School

​Last Week of July
Every Summer Calvary partners with local churches in Summit for a week of Vacation Bible School, hosted at Central Presbyterian Church. We gather each day to hear stories from the bible, learn about mission, sing, pray, play games, and explore with great experiments. We finish out the week with a final day of camp filled with service projects that benefit the local community. Youth in middle and high school are invited to serve as counselors. Camp runs from 8:30am-12pm, with optional AfterCamps from 12-4pm.​


Calvary Episcopal Church

31 Woodland Avenue, Summit NJ 07901


Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm

© 2025. Calvary Episcopal Church.

All rights reserved.

Stained glass by  Louis Comfort Tiffany
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