Acolytes are vital in helping lead worship services. Our youth (5th grade and higher) are encouraged to become acolytes and are trained by the priests and lay ministers. The duties include being a Torch Bearer, Crucifer, Verger, and Thurifer.
Eucharistic Ministers are trained by the priest and licensed by the bishop to administer the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. The Sacristan is a Eucharist Minister who processes the Gospel Book and helps to set and serve the Altar Table.
Lectors and Intercessors are needed at each service to read the lessons, lead the Psalm and Prayers of the People. People with a strong, clear voice, and who love reading Bible passages and prayers are needed for this ministry. Lessons are emailed the week before to allow time for the Lectors to review.
The Altar Guild consists of parishioners whose ministry is to care for the Altar and items used in worship. Members are delegated by the clergy to set up the sanctuary or chapel for the Eucharist or any of the other Sacraments and Offices of the church. Any communicant of Calvary who is trained may be a member. Training is necessary but easy, and entails working with a team on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Greeters and ushers are the first to welcome worshippers to Calvary. Greeters are there to meet newcomers and visitors and offer information and a welcome. Ushers distribute bulletins, take the offering, and guide worshippers to Communion.
The Flower Guild provides the flowers and decoration for the church on the Feast Days of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost as well as other celebrations during the church year. Donations help to fund this ministry.
Baptismal banners are created to help celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism. Volunteers design and make the banners to be used during the procession and given to the family at the time of the baptism.